We believe that God is revealed in all things through:
The beauty of nature
The challenge of work
The wonder of human affection and love
The awareness of the spiritual
We believe that God is revealed in all things through:
The beauty of nature
The challenge of work
The wonder of human affection and love
The awareness of the spiritual
We believe that we are indeed “our brother’s keeper” so that together we can form a caring school community. We believe that as educators we have a serious responsibility to teach our subject matter passionately, and to inspire learners to love knowledge and discover their individual talents so that they can set and realize their academic goals.

We believe that we have an obligation to teach for life: each learner should leave Veritas with a clear sense of the ethical and moral challenges of life. Hopefully we do challenge learners to be counter-cultural so that they do not become blind followers, but are able to reason independently about how they will choose to live. If we fail to uncover the spiritual and to encourage learners to be members of faith communities then our own existence is challenged. As a Catholic School we must have respect for all believers regardless of their particular spiritual journey.
We believe that we are indeed “our brother’s keeper” so that together we can form a caring school community. We believe that as educators we have a serious responsibility to teach our subject matter passionately, and to inspire learners to love knowledge and discover their individual talents so that they can set and realize their academic goals.

We believe that we have an obligation to teach for life: each learner should leave Veritas with a clear sense of the ethical and moral challenges of life. Hopefully we do challenge learners to be counter-cultural so that they do not become blind followers, but are able to reason independently about how they will choose to live. If we fail to uncover the spiritual and to encourage learners to be members of faith communities then our own existence is challenged. As a Catholic School we must have respect for all believers regardless of their particular spiritual journey.
Our Vision
Veritas College is a learning community that strives to live the message of Jesus as both a support and challenge to its members’ all-round growth: growth in their humanity, in their gifts, their awareness and care, their ability to achieve, and their commitment to contribute.
Our Vision
Veritas College is a learning community that strives to live the message of Jesus as both a support and challenge to its members’ all-round growth: growth in their humanity, in their gifts, their awareness and care, their ability to achieve, and their commitment to contribute.
Our Mission
The mission of the college is to educate young people to live fully in their world, not only with knowledge and competence but with the integrity and purpose that comes from the vision and values of Jesus as they pursue and participate in the unfolding of truth.(‘Veritas’)
Responsiveness to the needs of all of the Veritas College Community.
Respect for the individual and the dignity of life in all its forms.
Honesty, Openness and Integrity.
Quality Education and Service.
Empowerment of and participation by all of our families.
Search for Truth, Justice and Peace.
Responsiveness to the needs of all of the Veritas College Community.
Respect for the individual and the dignity of life in all its forms.
Honesty, Openness and Integrity.
Quality Education and Service.
Empowerment of and participation by all of our families.
Search for Truth, Justice and Peace.